If you suffer from stress in
your personal life, love relationship, job OR if stress is adversely
affecting your physical health and emotional well-being, then...
"Would You Like To Learn How You Can
Transform Your Stress Into Strength, Your Pain Into Peace Using
Practical Easy-To-Implement Step-By-Step Writing Exercises So That
You Can Begin Living A Life Of Greater Health, Emotional Happiness And Peace Of
If You Answered "Yes, I
Would" To The Above
Question, Then Please Read This Important Message Below...
You know you are seeking a new level of stress-reduction and fulfillment in
your life, but you DON'T know what to do to get there. You
know that you are seeking greater health and well-being in your life,
but you DON'T know how to achieve it.
You know that, with just the right adjustments here and the right tweaks there, you could turn
the corner and find the level of hope, energy and optimism you need
to grow stronger and healthier and happier. What you need to overcome
lies within you. You know that.
But the question is, do you know how to tap into that power
That's why I recently decided to put together the greatest
writing tools you will ever find in one place to reveal to you and show you
the inside secrets and tricks of the trade I use every single day
to help patients overcome their stress and transform
their lives from fear to freedom, from surrender to serenity and
from pain to peace.
Now you can improve all your stress-reduction efforts at overcoming
whatever obstacles stand in your way, then sit back and watch your response � and your
progress � shoot right off the charts!
And just how will I accomplish this?
Not with recycled tools or boring textbook theory, but with real world examples using
actual case studies from real patients.
In every chapter of The Handbook of Journaling, I examine a new
writing exercise that will help you to find the next level of health,
stress reduction and fulfillment in your life.
With each technique, you will actually follow a step-by-step
guide with multiple examples to lead you quickly on your own path
towards stress mastery and self-discovery.
You discover what's working well in your life, what can be much stronger, precisely what changes to make, as well as the reasons behind each recommendation. But I must first warn you...
... these exercises require brutal honesty on your part
and the willingness to hold nothing back!
Why Should You Listen To Me?
Hi. My name is
Neil Neimark. Through my books, tapes and seminars, I have helped
thousands of patients in their quest for mastery over stress and the
greater physical health, emotional well-being and spiritual peace of
mind that come from such mastery.
Over the last 20 years, I have studied and learned
from some of the greatest minds in the field of mind/body medicine
and spirituality, utilizing these concepts to help bridge the gap
between traditional and alternative medicine.
Bringing together the ideas of science and spirituality, I have
been able to help people understand and use their physical symptoms
and illness as a tool for greater mental, emotional and spiritual
growth, leading patients to greater health, happiness and
Is there any greater joy than actualizing the potential within
you to transform your stress into strength and your pain into peace
and -- in the process -- discovering your special gifts in life and utilizing them to help make your
own life and the lives of others better because of them?
That would be worth something extraordinary, don't you think?
To be able to find and actualize your full potential in life!
Some of my mentors and teachers are well-known and highly respected
leaders in the field of mind/body medicine, stress reduction and spirituality.
Herbert Benson, M.D.
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
Norman Cousins
Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Tony Robbins
Rabbi Menachem Schneerson
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Rabbi Abraham Twerski, M.D.
Harold Koenig, M.D.
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D.
Andrew Weil, M.D.
Larry Dossey, M.D.
John Gray, Ph.D.
Barbara DeAngelis, Ph.D.
Howard Brody, M.D.
John Bradshaw, Ph.D.
Robert Bly
Aaron Beck, M.D.
... And so many more!
One of my readers recently had this to say:
"Every Self-Help Book Rolled
Into One!"
Anita Liu Palm Harbor,
This book is a beautifully written way to journal to your inner self! Of
all the self help books I have read (that is many) this one beats them all!
"Finally" a book to help guide a person to the inner depths of the soul. Only
one chapter about the author's life and his way of journaling. The rest is exactly what
the Table of Contents states. Simple and precise examples and questions to help you in the
reader's search for love and acceptance of oneself and the outside world! To help change
our own view of our world and help to deal with life issues.
Wonderful! A book I have been
longing for for a long time! Sums up all those self help books! Well worth every cent
because it will save me in the long run!!! If you're looking for what Dr Phil talks
about...This is your book! Already opening me up to another side of my inner self (only read
3 chapters) and haven't written a word yet!!! The author has summed up a lot of what he
has read and is doing in his own life into this book for others search for happiness! A
Like me, many of my patients are overworked and overstressed
with virtually no extra time to spare. So they need something
that works quickly and effectively to reduce their stress, rejuvenate
their health and restore their sense of hope.
Over the last twenty years, I have tested each and every one of
these guided journaling exercises. Sure, I have come across dozens of
methods that just didn't work and left me feeling like I had just wasted my precious time.
But, in the process, I found a small treasure-house of
journaling methods that really work to reduce your stress by helping you process difficult
emotions before they make you ill, overcome patterns of negativity
and conquer the limiting beliefs that hold you back from achieving
your true level of health and fulfillment in life.
This experience has equipped me with a vast wealth of knowledge of what works � and what doesn't.
What Does All This Mean To You?
When you order The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the
Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit, you gain access to a
treasury of fifteen real-world, guided, step-by-step journaling
techniques that really work to reduce your stress and bring you
the peace of mind you deserve and desire.
But you get much more than that.
You get multiple real-life examples of how to use these techniques
along with dozens of some of the most inspirational and uplifting
stories, powerful vignettes and motivational quotes ever
Instead of just another book on stress reduction that leaves you scratching your head trying to figure out what works and what doesn't...
... I take actual real life examples and guide you through each
technique with a "fine tooth comb" giving you detailed
instructions and insights that can save you thousands of dollars in
therapy, doctor bills and guesswork about overcoming the harmful
effects that stress, negativity, pain and illness have on your
physical body, emotional psyche and spiritual well-being.
It's as if you're right beside me, just
like one of my very own patients, learning directly from
me as I show you, precisely, how to discover a new sense of clarity,
hope and well-being regarding the stress, illness or pain you may be
Look at it this way...
It's a personal visit with your doctor in every
chapter. You'll not only get the latest research on the health
benefits of journaling for stress reduction. You also get my tips, ideas and insider
secrets for achieving an unparalleled level of physical health,
emotional well-being and spiritual fulfillment.
You discover, step-by-step, precisely what to do to process your
painful emotions before they make you ill, write your stress away and
discover your true sense of meaning and purpose in life.
I have distilled out the very essence of these stress-reduction
techniques so that you get theMAXIMUM response
in the least amount of time.
Here's How You Can Begin Achieving A Sense Of
Mastery Over Your Stress...
I not only give you practical and easy-to-follow templates for
journaling away your stress...
I not only provide you step-by-step instructions for achieving a
level of mastery over your stress...
But in the process, I also pull from thousands of inspirational
quotes and motivational stories to give you a renewed sense of
hope and optimism that is critical to living a meaningful and
balanced life.
A small opening here. A new insight there. A fresh point of view.
Page after page, you will find new ways to rewrite the story of
your life in a way that brings out your inner courage, faith and
determination to achieve a healthier and happier life for
Listen to what famous authors and experts in mind/body healing
Hal & Sidra Stone Ph.D.'s have to say:
"There Is Something Here For
Hal & Sidra Stone Ph.D.'s Developers of the
Voice Dialogue Method &
authors of Embracing
Neil Neimark has done a great job of
translating and adapting a wide variety of approaches to healing into an easily digestible
and readily useable journal format.
Perhaps the greatest gift is that - using this book as
a guide - anyone can gain direct, personal, and private access to an
individually crafted
healing process."
Now's your chance to use my extensive experience to your advantage, saving you loads of
precious time, therapy and costly mistakes!
Here's A Quick Peek At What The Handbook Of
Journaling Is Guaranteed To Do For YOU!
Now I know you will be amazed at benefits of journaling for
stress-reduction, but
before I go any further, let me ask you something for a minute...
Imagine what it would be worth to have a
Board-Certified Family Practice M.D., who is an expert in stress
management and mind/body
medicine, whose patients sometimes wait months to get an
appointment with, personally give you dozens of real-life,
practical, down-to-earth, easy to implement strategies, ideas
and tips you can apply right away to produce maximum response with
all your stress-reduction efforts.
Imagine how powerful it would be totake real
life examples from real people � facing stress, illness,
depression or pain � and watching as they are guided through the
appropriate journaling technique to help them process their
emotional stress and reduce its strain on their body and soul. There
is NO boring textbook theory, NO recycled
"think positive" affirmations, NO second-hand examples and NO outdated case studies.
Imagine what it would be like to learn tested
strategies for converting stress, negativity and hopelessness into
serenity, optimism and hope. With every new technique, you
will learn new strategies for overcoming inertia and
Strategies that will help you...
Process painful emotions before they make you ill..
Write your stress away�
Minimize your anxiety and find a new sense of hope and
Reveal your inner spirituality...
Find inner peace in times of outer chaos�
Boost your immunity...
Find true happiness by discovering your sense of purpose in
Mobilize your healing system to help you fight off illness...
... And much more!
But don't take my word for it.
Here's a comment from John O'Keefe, a reader new to
journaling, but anxious to find an effective method to begin
processing his stress. It was sent in by John unsolicited and reprinted here with his permission...
"If There Is One Book You Are Going To Buy On
Journaling, This Is It!"
John O'Keefe Novice Journaler
When I was looking for a book on
stress-reduction, I wanted a book that
would explain stress and give me practical guidelines and ideas.
This book by Dr.Neimark not only
did all that, it has amazing insights as well. The stories and quotes are truly
inspiring and really lifted me up.
I was dealing with a
recent breakup and the stress was starting to affect my health.
After following the guided journaling exercises, I immediately
started to get a brand new perspective on my problem. My health
improved and my therapist was thrilled by my rapid progress.
of Journaling is not only easy
to use and understand, it makes stress-reduction fun. I learned so much about myself
and the stress I was dealing with after my very first journaling
With Dr. Neimark's
step-by-step approach, it's like having him right there with me to
answer my questions and guide me towards the answers I was
Dr Neimark is a talented,
insightful and caring writer and I would recommend this book to everyone, new or
experienced in stress management.
If there is one book you are going to buy on
stress -- this is
it! It is a great read and a wonderful experience. Thanks Dr Neimark.
Do You Want A Sample Of What You Get?
Here's a sampling of the many stress-reducing journaling
techniques that you will get..
The Love Letter Technique teaches you step-by-step how to
write a letter to your body, your boss, your partner, or God about
whatever is causing you stress or pain. In this technique you
learn to write through the layers of your emotional anatomy, going
from anger through sadness, fear and self-responsibility until you
arrive at what you really want and need. This technique is
powerful and effective and works rapidly to reduce emotional
tension and free your immune system to function properly.
Taking The One Seat is a technique based on
the Buddhist method of finding equanimity and calm in the midst of
unbounded fear or stress. This simple technique encourages you to
discover your capacity to be unafraid and awake in the midst of
all life, to recognize that you hold within yourself an inner
place of wisdom and calm from which you can witness all events in
life without getting stuck in the outer chaos.
Guided Feeling Journaling helps to lead you step-by-step
through the process of dealing with situations and circumstances
where your hopes and expectations have not been met by the people
or world around you. It helps you to achieve greater mastery in
dealing with the "things" in life that are beyond your
control. It takes you out of self-criticism and blame into a place
of accountability and empowerment.
The Emett Journaling Method gives you a template for
integrating spiritual principles into the handling of everyday
stress. By applying uplifting spiritual principles to everyday
life, you learn to overcome your conditioned negative responses to
life's difficulties, becoming more aware of the tremendous and
powerful resources for health and healing you have within you. By
beginning to face your losses, hurts, disappointments and setbacks
with dignity and love, you become stronger from them rather than
overwhelmed by them.
Love Yourself Heal Your Life Journaling teaches you that
lasting change begins with loving yourself the way you are. You
will be guided step-by-step to recognize your own limitations of
belief and awareness, acknowledge your shortcomings, and begin the
process of replacing them with new, positive and affirming
beliefs. Using this technique, you will arrive at a new and higher
level of personal growth and character development than you ever
imagined possible. One that demands the recognition and acceptance
of yourself for the very one that you are, even as you anticipate
the kind of loving, nurturing and successful person you seek to
...and there's much much more, but first take a moment to
read what famous author and imagery therapist Belleruth Naparstek
has to say about The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the
Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit...
"A Wonderful Resource!"
Belleruth Naparstek Author of
Your Sixth Sense:
Unlocking the Power
of Your Intuition
I've known about journaling to reduce
stress for a long time, and I've used it for my own
personal work and in workshops with others.
But I learned a lot more about it from Dr. Neimark. In his very accessible, clear, friendly style, he describes and differentiates
several excellent methods of journal writing, and how and why the technique is so
effective for people working on stress-reduction, self-discovery and change.
I think this book is a must for
anyone in the market for a serious attitude change from the inside out.
Here's some more of the many stress-reducing journaling
techniques that you will get..
Cognitive Therapy Journaling helps you to recognize that
when you feel stressed, depressed or anxious, you may be thinking in an irrational,
self-defeating manner which limits your choices and your sense of
hope. This technique gives you a simple fill-in-the-blank template
for recognizing your feelings, acknowledging the irrational
thought or belief behind that feeling, and then choosing an
empowering, rational and positive thought as a counter-response.
This entire process leads you to a full "mental tune-up"
and keeps your psychological motor running smoothly.
Gratitude Journaling is a simple and powerful technique
that helps you to overcome your natural inclination to gravitate
towards the negative and what is not working in your life. In
writing your response to key guided questions, you begin to
empower your positivity muscle and recognize the truly important
blessings in your life. Investing just five minutes a day in your
gratitude journaling will bring you stress-reducing treasures far beyond any 401K
or retirement plan.
Sentence Stem Journaling is a powerful method for
revealing the limiting beliefs you may hold about yourself, others
and what is possible in life. This revealing technique helps
uncover your unconscious beliefs about what it takes for you to be
happy, healthy and fulfilled. Your spontaneous journaling answers
to sentence stems help you realize how you may set yourself up
for failure by having unrealistic expectations about what you must
do, have or get from others in order to be happy. Move beyond
stress, pain, hurt, anger and self-sabotage into acceptance, appreciation,
growth and happiness with this powerful technique.
Self-Parenting Journaling is a template driven journaling
technique that helps reveal the many varied and contradictory
thoughts that make up your inner conversations. The inner voices
of the parent, child and adult hold the key to your feelings as
well as your understandings about who you are, what you want and
where you're going in life. Through this illuminating technique,
you learn to monitor your inner conversations in a way that helps
you resolve inner and outer conflicts, and the inevitable
physical, emotional, mental and spiritual stresses that accompany
such conflicts. Becoming aware of our inner conversations reveals
our unmet needs, disappointments, fears and unresolved hurts. Once
revealed, you can work towards resolving your conflicts and
freeing your energy for creative, purposeful and more loving
pursuits that can help you self-actualize and live life more
Embracing Our Selves: Voice Dialogue Journaling is a
transformational journaling technique that moves you beyond
feeling fragmented, fatigued and frustrated in your life into a
place of fullness, "enough-ness" and authentic
fulfillment. This technique helps you to reclaim the parts of
yourself that you have felt are unacceptable, shameful or not good
enough -- what has been termed your "shadow" energies.
As you begin to reclaim and heal these disowned parts of yourself,
you can reclaim your full energy, vitality and enthusiasm for
living, and to re-experience the joy of being fully alive and
connected to life.
That's a sampling of just some of the powerful stress-reducing journaling
techniques found in The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the
Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit, and there's much, much more.
With insider tips, inspirational stories and compelling quotes for
maximum healing power, your journaling efforts will empower
you to live the life you know you were meant to live. You will find
unprecedented levels of stress-reduction, clarity, growth, enthusiasm for living and most
importantly -- hope.
No matter what you may be dealing with -- whether you are:
you will begin to find the self-confidence, happiness
and infinite healing power that lies within you to truly live the
full and meaningful life you were meant to live.
Join the thousands of patients who are already using The
Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the Healing of Mind, Body &
Spirit to help them on their path to health, mastery of
stress and self-fulfillment.
If You're Still Not Convinced, Sign Up Now For A Free Preview
Of Selected Segments Of The Handbook Of Journaling!
For your FREE preview,
click below to receive a free sampling of selected chapters
and sections of The Handbook of Journaling
E-book, emailed to you within minutes.
Actual screenshot of
the E-book cover.
In this sampling, you will find actual
segments, selected stories and a genuine representation of the
life-changing, stress-reducing material found in The Handbook of Journaling.
Keep in mind, this is just a small sampling
of what's to come. The full e-book is filled with hundreds of
examples, stories and inspirational quotes all specifically
designed to help speed up your healing process and motivate you to
make the changes that will bring you the level of peace of mind and
happiness you desire.
As a new reader, remember that in addition to
the book, you get an automatic subscription to my newsletter Mind,
Body & Soul. This newsletter is filled with motivational
stories, research and "insider" resources and tips.
I'm confident this handbook will be the best investment you'll
ever make in self-help stress-reduction techniques.
As a matter of fact, I'm so confident The Handbook of
Journaling: Tools for the Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit will become the most potent weapon in your
stress-reduction arsenal, I completely guarantee your satisfaction for
a lifetime.
Buy Today And You Will Receive Absolutely FREE My
All Time Favorite Special Report Entitled...
"Five Things You Absolutely Need to Know to Achieve Optimal
As my personal gift to you for taking the initiative in improving
your own health and well-being, I will give you this Special Report,
which outlines the five most important things you need to know to
make lasting positive changes in your health and well-being.
If you just follow the advice in this FREE Special Report, you
will already be way ahead of the curve on understanding how you can
reduce your stress and positively influence your state of physical health, mental clarity
and emotional well-being.
Considering what you'd have to pay to see me to integrate all
these stress-reducing journaling techniques into your life, this
material is easily worth $300 to $400, what an hour of my
professional time would cost.
And it would take multiple visits for me to explain and
incorporate all this information into a plan of health for you. But
with this offer, you get hours and hours of my time within the pages
of The Handbook of Journaling and you get years and
years of my medical knowledge and understandings that can accelerate
your stress reduction efforts and get you quickly on the path to healing (physically,
emotionally and spiritually.)
Of course, I CAN'T guarantee you
will grow, learn and integrate these concepts and teachings, that is
up to you. You must actually take the time to follow the exercises
and do the journaling in order to derive the full benefit from this
But I will, however, promise you this: every single one of you
will have the opportunity and all the tools necessary to craft a personal and powerful
healing experience, if you will only follow my simple,
guided step-by-step exercises.
So, here's what you'll find...
You Can Begin Reducing Your Stress Immediately Just From The Special Report Alone.
Nothing is left to chance. Everything is described, step by step. Every strategy, technique and
stress-reducing secret I use to create positive health changes in my
patients is laid out in comprehensive detail.
Bottom line, you will actually see your real life stresses and
strains transformed right before your eyes, helping you to find a
place of greater calm, clarity and empowering responses. You'll never have to fumble to figure out how to implement the powerful
stress-reduction strategies found in The Handbook of Journaling: Tools
for the Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit.
Below are some comments from renowned author, healer and
publisher Louise Hay, about The Handbook of Journaling...
"A Pathway To Self-Discovery!"
Louise Hay Author
"It is so important for each of us to
take that inward journey and discover what attitudes and beliefs we hold within ourselves.
Then the healing begins.
Neil Neimark uses the powerful tool of journaling in this book to
show you a pathway to stress-reduction and self discovery."
Author of You
Can Heal Your Life and of Empowering Women
Would you like the stress reduction to begin? Then...
Unlock Your Full Health
Potential Right NOW!
I don't make my living teaching about
I make
my living taking care of patients every day...
Patients who are dealing with physical pain, emotional distress
and physical illness that comes from excessive stress, such as
irritable bowel syndrome, migraine headache, back pain and
more, ... the whole gamut of illness and disease.
I know the toll that physical illness has on the mind and spirit.
I see the long-term effects of pain on the body and psyche. I
witness, every day, the emotional devastation that comes from a
fight with cancer. I see how toxic jobs and marital stress can
destroy patient's health and well-being.
But I also know what it takes to get well again. I know
how to help patients:
tap into the power of their inner healer
find the courage, strength and optimism necessary to fight
the good fight
make the changes required for true healing
let go of the things they may be hanging on to that prevents
them from healing.
I do this, day in and day out. I don't just talk about it. I have
the knowledge, experience and ability to help you not only reach out
for the best that medical science has to offer, but also to reach
within to mobilize your own internal resources for healing.
Take a look at my website --TheBodySoulConnection.com -- and
explore all the tools, newsletters and articles I have available to
help you on your path towards health and stress-reduction.
It's content rich and filled with invaluable information on the
healing power of the mind, body and spirit connection.
There's so much more that I could tell you about, but
simply know that thousands of my patients have benefited from the
information and inspiration contained in the healing power of the
mind/body connection.
Patients have used my tips and techniques to help them overcome
some of the most difficult times in their lives. And soon, so will you!
Still not convinced? Well, here's my promise to you.
I'm confident that The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the
Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit will be THE #1 go-to source for squeezing every
health benefit possible out of all your self-help
efforts. In fact...
... Here's How to Get On The Stress-Reduction Fast-Track
Now -- Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually!
Your low investment for this one-of-a-kind e-book is just $27.95. That's less than a cup of coffee a day
for just two weeks!
Consider the fact that $27.95 is a minimal investment in your
health � not much more than an average co-pay for a
doctor's visit, and yet it will provide you with a lifetime of tools,
techniques, inspirational stories and motivational quotes guaranteed
to move you towards greater health, healing and stress-reduction.
You will hardly ever find this kind of information during a busy
consultation with your doctor!
I think you'll agree with me that this is one of the best bargains going. Most other
sources for such a personally crafted stress-reduction process would cost 3
to 5 times as much.
But consider something even more important.
What you really need to consider is what you're getting for your money � because it's more
than just a book.
It's more than just another "What-to-do" advice manual that you'll
read, nod your head at, put on the shelf and never implement in your
life. Just reading about lifting weights will not make you strong.
Just reading about stress reduction will not bring you peace of
The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the Healing of Mind,
Body & Spirit gives you the step-by-step details that leave no questions in your mind, so you know precisely what to do immediately to
begin processing the stress in your life, finding the mental clarity
and spiritual discernment to begin living the life you were meant to
You'll get all of these invaluable components of success for just $27.95.
Plus, like I said earlier, you can get your money back ANYTIME.
Plus, you get instant download instructions, so you can begin
journaling within minutes.
And, there's NO shipping charges for you, just instant FREE
If you follow the exercises in the book, do the journaling and for
any reason, whatsoever, don't feel that you are benefiting from the
material in The Handbook of Journaling...
Your Purchase Is 100% Backed By My...
"Take-It-To-The-Bank Guarantee!"
Now, in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it foolproof for you. You see, I completely guarantee your satisfaction not for 30 or 90 days but for
your entire lifetime!
�So, here's my Lifetime Guarantee...
The truth is, you'll NEVER have to worry about a refund.
Why? Because once you actually put the journaling strategies and techniques you'll find in
The Handbook of Journaling to work for you, I'm confident you'll hardly believe the
improvement in your physical, psychological and spiritual
And for only $27.95 to boot!
Buy Now And Get 3 Extra Bonuses
When you purchase today, you instantly get download instructions for the following 3 free bonuses � gifts which are in fact worth more than 3 times the price of
the book itself!
Bonus #1:
Special Report: "Five Things You
Absolutely Need to Know to Achieve Optimal Health"
Here's a small sampling of what's in this report:
1. Health is both a
science and an art.
There are unknown factors in the healing
equation. To increase our capacity to fight off disease, we must reach out for the best
that medical science has to offer, and we must reach within to mobilize our own internal
resources for healing (the art).
Health is more than the absence of disease.
Our physical health occurs in a larger
context of mental, emotional and spiritual health. While there is no guarantee of a
physical cure, what is always available to us is a sense of wholeness, acceptance (of self
and others) and inner peace. Healing is the process of moving towards wholeness, affirming
life and living fully.
3.Physical health
or illness is only the tip of the iceberg.
Achieving optimal physical health requires us
to look beneath the surface at the lifestyles we choose, the belief systems and attitudes
we hold, and the choices we make about our spirituality, our inner life, our relationship
with self and others, and our sense of purpose or meaning in life.
The healing system lies within us.
The body has its own natural ability to heal.
In certain situations, surgery or drugs may be life saving, but it is the internal healing
system that allows ultimate life. When we fully accept and express all parts of ourselves
(our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies), the healing process is
strengthened and optimal healing can begin.
To activate our internal healing system, we must participate in
getting well.
It is our participation in our own healing
that fully accesses the healing system. Participation requires that we develop a
passionate involvement with life, that we find our own meaning in illness and in health.
Healing, in its essence, is an adventure in self-discovery.
This special report is free with your purchase of The
Handbook of Journaling.
Bonus #2:
Second Special Report: "Emergency Stress
Reduction Journaling"
In order to
fully understand how to deal with stress, we must first understand the
workings of our mind and body when we are under stress. The foundation
of this understanding comes from the discovery of the "fight or
flight response" by Harvard physiologist, Walter Cannon.
This fundamental
physiologic response forms the foundation of modern day stress medicine. The "fight
or flight response" is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares
the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to
our survival.
Is there a
cumulative danger from over-activation of our fight or flight response?
Yes. The evidence is overwhelming that there
is a cumulative buildup of stress hormones. If not properly metabolized over time,
excessive stress can lead to disorders of our autonomic nervous system (causing headache,
irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure and the like) and disorders of our hormonal
and immune systems (creating susceptibility to infection, chronic fatigue, depression, and
autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and allergies.)
To protect
ourselves today, we must consciously pay attention to the signals of fight or flight
To protect ourselves in a world of
psychologicalrather than physicaldanger, we must consciously pay attention to
unique signals telling us whether we are actually in fight or flight. Some of us may
experience these signals as physical symptoms like tension in our muscles, headache, upset
stomach, racing heartbeat, deep sighing or shallow breathing. Others may experience them
as emotional or psychological symptoms such as anxiety, poor concentration, depression,
hopelessness, frustration, anger, sadness or fear.
The report goes on
to discuss the many ways you can counteract the toxic effects of
stress in your life, including two powerful journaling
If you've got stress in your life, this report is invaluable,
but it's yours absolutely free with your purchase of
The Handbook of Journaling.
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Special Report: "Two Powerful Antidotes to Stress!"
In this concise and powerful report, you will learn about the
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Power of Positive Belief.
With simple and clear-cut examples, you will learn how to elicit
these two powerful antidotes during times of stress, worry and
anxiety. Here's what you will learn...
How to maximize the power of positive belief
to help you heal faster and more effectively.
How to mobilize the power of your "inner
pharmacy" in order to change your very chemistry and augment
your healing response!
How physical exercise alone is not enough, you
must also learn to exercise your positive beliefs and attitudes,
for they are often the rudder that determines your true course
in all health and healing.
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If you want to...
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Dr. Neimark! I Want To Start
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I also agree that you have not made any promises or guarantees, whether stated or implied, that I will produce any specific result
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Finally, I understand that my purchase is covered by your 100% satisfaction guarantee. If I'm not satisfied I can cancel and get a refund on my
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In today's overstressed and busy world, plain "how to," what-to-do advice alone just won't cut it. You need more. You need a combination of powerfuladvice, provenstrategies, and specificexamples.
That way, you can get on the fast track to stress reduction, peace
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The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the Healing of Mind,
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Purchase it today. You won't regret it.
Wishing you the health and happiness you seek,
Neil F. Neimark, M.D.
Board-Certified Family Practice
Still skeptical? I understand. So then, let me throw in something extra to sweeten the deal.
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