Neil Neimark - REP Technologies - 4870 Barranca Ste 330 Irvine, CA 92604 - 949-451-6060


"Internet idiocy" could rob you
of the greatest opportunity for
increasing your business'
income ever .....

It Is Possible To Get More Customers In A Month Than You Get All Year -- With Less Effort And Expense Than You've Ever Believed Possible Thanks To, Of All Things, THE INTERNET…..

…..but it's more likely you'll waste all kinds of money and time, get ripped off by computer geeks who know nothing about marketing OR business, and wind up with little more than a brochure up on the Web, that looks good but doesn't produce business.

..…the whole thing obviously has promise
but is way too confusing…..

Dear Friend,

If you're like me, you want to do everything you can to increase the income you get from your business. You worry about getting left behind when new technology comes along. So you've paid attention to the Internet. Maybe even spent money already with disappointing results. It has NOT been the "business miracle" for you it was "hyped" to be.

I'm a businessman just like you.

And two years ago, I got serious about the Internet, and ferreted out real experts who were making money in real businesses using the Internet, and now I'm betting my expensive discoveries will be important to you, too.

I urge you to read this letter carefully to find out.

It may SAVE YOU MONEY, a whole lot of money, that will otherwise be washed down the "you-have-to-be-on-the-Internet, let-me-build-you-a-Website, build-it-and-they-will-come" sewer.

It may MAKE YOU MONEY, a lot of money - because there ARE legitimate, surprisingly simple, understandable and practical ways to use the Internet as a powerful (and nearly FREE!) marketing tool for just about ANY business.

It will help you decipher Internet techno-babble and gobbledygook, so you can find real opportunity.

It may even open the door for you to have a second, extra income away from your present business……. What I call a "money hobby." I'm almost embarrassed to tell you that what began as MY unusual hobby now brings in over $65,000.00 a month with almost obscene ease. Embarrassed because I know that's too big a number to be believed, yet it happens like clockwork. I'm not saying you'll do that. But if an extra $3,000.00 to $10,000.00 a month of personal, spendable money flowing in from as little as 5 to 15 hours a week doing things so fun and interesting you may call it a "hobby" too, would be of interest, that's just one more reason to read my letter thoroughly.

Where Is Your Business Now? - Where Will It Be In 12 Months,
2 Years? - Where Do You Want To Be?

Your business may be thriving, or competition may be beating you up like a punch-drunk old boxer. Maybe the economy'll rebound or maybe we're headed into a recession. Regardless, what's true is you need a means of attracting a steady stream of good new customers that doesn't cost an arm and a leg, works predictably not erratically, and doesn't require you to be an advertising, marketing and sales genius. A lot of "old reliables" like Yellow Pages aren't producing as well as they used to. Fortunately, there are new answers and solutions to be found --- with the Internet.

And wait, if you have an instant negative reaction --- won't work in my business; I don't like computers; I can't stand that computer gobbledygook; I've got a Website and it's not doing anything -- just keep an open mind for just a few minutes, because I've got BREAKTHROUGH NEWS for you.

What every Business Owner needs to know
about "E-Commerce," but doesn't know who to ask…..

Why should you be left out, sitting on the sidelines
watching, while so many others make incredible,
huge amounts of money on the Internet?

You can't escape the Internet. People are flocking to it in droves. And fortunes are being made "from scratch" with the speed of rabbits breeding and multiplying. If you've been aware of all this, but thought that you just were not "equipped" to cash in - then I have some very important news.

You've undoubtedly watched the " boom" and the " crash." You've undoubtedly seen news story after news story of "" millionaires made overnight. Just for example, some people who started their own "e-commerce" Internet Website just 2 years ago, sold it the day I'm writing this, to Barnes & Noble, for 64-Million Dollars. Frankly, I can't promise you anything like that at all. For "ordinary people" like you and me, that may be beyond our reach.

You've also seen " millionaires" go broke overnight, and what the "cleansing" of all this has done to the stock market.

Some idiots actually named their newborn son "" last year! And if you're like me, you're sick of even hearing ""

BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS TO YOU OR ME, because this letter is not about some " fantasy."

I cannot make you a overnight and transport you from your business to limousines, yachts and shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills without a care in the world.

But what I can do is show you VERY PRACTICAL WAYS to double your present business income by adding sane, sensible Online Marketing.

You can CUT ADVERTISING COSTS……..REACH NEW CUSTOMERS ALMOST FREE OF COST…….. gain competitive edge, better serve customers, seem a bigger business than you are….. even "automate" a lot of your new customer attraction and acquisition with the correct uses of the Internet.

And, what I can also do is let you in on a "quieter moneymaking revolution," where literally thousands of "ordinary people" (me included!) are following simple, proven plans for quickly creating wonderful income streams of $1,000.00, $2,000.00, $5,000.00 and more EVERY WEEK with the Internet - and now you can join in the fun and cash even if:

1. Even if…..You HATE computers
2. Even if…..You are totally CONFUSED by the Internet
3. Even if…..You have NO TIME to "learn computer stuff"
4. Even if…..You're admittedly too LAZY to master a whole new set of computer-related skills
5. And regardless of the kind of business you're now in -- retail, wholesale, service, manufacturing, even a professional practice….big city, small town….thriving or struggling….

None of that matters. In fact, ANY business -- including YOURS -- can boost its sales and profits with the right "Internet moneymakers" added to it. And, no, it does NOT require spending money paying "nerd" web designers and computer programmers..… does NOT require taking gobs of time away from your other responsibilities. Truth is, you NEED to do this to prevent more sophisticated competitors from poaching your present customers or snatching all the new ones. But even if it weren't urgently necessary, this is a terrific means of increasing your income WITHOUT spending more money on advertising, without necessarily working more. It cannot be ignored.

In addition to the gains you can quickly create in your present business, there's also "golden opportunity" to use my proven "model," to launch a second, more profitable "money hobby" entirely conducted over the Internet, with no store, office, or overhead, no employees, no inventory, no hassle. You need NO SPECIAL EDUCATION.….. virtually NO MONEY PUT AT RISK…… only a little SPARE TIME…… and the willingness to follow very easy to understand instructions.

And Finally There Is Truthful Information Available
That Strips Away The "Mystery" And Confusion
Surrounding Internet Marketing
And Makes Dirt-Cheap, High Payoff, Exciting
New Advertising And Marketing Opportunities
And Methods "Doable" By "The Average Joe"

I have read over 100 books about "Internet marketing" I bought in bookstores, and they are all NONSENSE. I've gone off to seminars and been lost in the techno-speak in the first 10 minutes. I have been very, very frustrated early on…… almost to the point of deciding to "sit this one out."

I'm very glad I persisted.

And now my "pain" can be YOUR "gain."

You see, I've actually "cracked the code."

I can show ANY business owner - including you -- in your field or just about any other -- how to use the Internet as a practical business-building tool…… and I can prevent you from wasting money on fancy graphics-loaded, brochure-type Websites that do nothing but sit there and look pretty.

Let me give you some information.

The things to focus on are:

1. "Direct-Response" Websites
2. Automated Prospect Follow-Up
3. E-Mail Marketing
4. Bringing Customers Back

Quickly, a few points about each one…..

#1 - DIRECT-RESPONSE WEBSITES. Most Website designers -- whether it's a college kid making money on the side, your brother-in-law "who knows a lot about computers," or some expensive consultant who whacks you $3,000.00 to $5,000.00 to do it -- most of them don't know diddly about business, advertising, marketing, or selling. All their Websites will do is lay there and eat money. The trick is to work backwards; to figure out the productive purposes a site might do, then build the site to do those things. You wind up with simple Websites that produce. And you don't need an M.I.T. grad to put these together either. The watchwords are "simple" and "productive."

My contention is: you don't need another brochure. You need more good customers.

Here are a couple "quickies" about how you can use these kind of Websites for your business profitably:

You might run smaller, cheaper ads that drive prospects to a Website -- where they read your longer ad or sales letter. You might target known computer/Internet users who would be good customers with cheap media, like postcards or FAXes, and encourage them to go to such a Website to read your ad or sales letter. If you sell a technical product, you might put all the technical information into a Website for prospects who've otherwise indicated interest to visit.

Just for example, there's a guy who owns a couple mattress and bedroom furniture stores. His competitors are major chains who run much bigger ads in the newspaper than he does. But he has a small, cheap ad about "secrets to a better night's sleep" that advertises a Website….. at the site, people read a letter about getting a good night's sleep and are introduced to the best kinds of mattresses….. then shown a huge "ad" for his stores….. even "download" coupons.

Guess what? This strategy is bringing him in over $15,000.00 a month in extra business -- from less than $800.00 in advertising!

#2: AUTOMATED PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMER FOLLOW-UP. Here's an example of how this can work….. you sort of "pre-load" or "pre-program" your Website to send out some follow-up messages to everybody who "visits" the site.

Compare it to running a retail store. You tell your store's manager: "When anybody new comes in here, try and get their name and address. The next day, send them this big postcard that thanks them for coming in and tells them about our new watchamacallits. Put them on the mailing list for our monthly flyer. And if they haven't been back in 20 days, send them these coupons. If they don't come in 10 days after that, call them."

Good luck. That'll NEVER get done. Nothing even close.

But you can "replicate" that with automated, automatic e-mail follow-up to everybody who "visits" the Website. And it DOES get done. Automatically. Requiring none of your time or anybody else's time.

#3: E-MAIL MARKETING. Get this: NO postage to buy. NO printing to buy. NOTHING to fold, stuff and mail. At virtually ZERO COST, you can send just about any kind of marketing communication by e-mail to groups of prospects or your customers at the push of a button. Restaurants e-mail the week's specials on Monday. Bars, the weekend game schedule on Friday. Car dealers, service reminders. On and on. But there ARE real ways to go far beyond this and use e-mail to reach totally NEW prospective customers.

#4: BRINGING CUSTOMERS BACK. Automated birthday greetings. Newsletters. By e-mail at no cost. Beyond that, I can show you a simple "trick" with e-mail and a Website that can create a "stampede" of past and present customers coming back to your business -- if you need or want it, a sudden cash flow surge with nearly zero cost. Even if you still HATE the whole idea of the Internet, this one thing is so good, you MUST know how to do it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. A small sampling.

Here's what I would say to you, in summary:

1. Like it or not, the Internet is here to stay. The movement of people -- YOUR customers and prospective customers to the Internet is real. They go there looking for information. If you're not there, some competitor will be.

2. The Internet is the most important communication invention since the Gutenberg press, paper 'n ink. Refusing to use it is like insisting the earth is flat.

3. If you blindly delegate this to "web designers" or "people who know about computers," you will get killed. You'll waste a suitcase full of money. Because the results you want are not coming from fancy Websites with lots of bells, whistles and graphics.

4. This is not nearly as complicated or confusing as computer-geeks'd like you to believe.

5. There's a lot YOU can do and will WANT to do with the Internet IF YOU UNDERSTAND IT.

That's why I put together a "power team" of people who've made real money in real businesses with the Internet to help me get my own businesses "cooking" with the Internet -- and wound up going from frustrated skeptic to enthusiastic, raving fan.

And that's why I put everything I've discovered, everything I do, everything these other business owners do into a "cookbook" ANYBODY can follow to make this thing really work for them. I call it:

"The Instant
Tool Kit"

It contains 31 specific strategies for using the Internet as a practical marketing tool for any business. No, you probably won't use all 31. But out of those 31, I guarantee you will pick a few, maybe a handful, maybe a dozen that you will use. And many of them offer nearly instant results. PLUS, you get 39 ready-to-use, fill-in-the-blank "tools" (sales documents) you can use, regardless of your business, on Websites or in e-mail with the strategies. We even send the 39 tools to you on diskette so you do not have to re-type them.

At best, my Tool Kit can transform your business into the high-income, liberating, exciting business you'd always hoped it would be. My Tool Kit could help you bring in a lot more money with no more advertising costs….. take home more money without working longer or harder….. compete with "bigger dogs" more effectively….. impress, satisfy and keep your current customers….. ultimately double, triple or even quadruple the value of your business.

At best, you may become passionately interested in all this and do a lot with it.

At worst, my Tool Kit will stop you from wasting money or being ripped off, from doing "Internet things" that cost money, look pretty but don't work at all. At worst, my Tool Kit will insure that you don't pour hard-earned dollars down a rat hole.

At worst, you may wind up still hating the whole Internet thing, but using it to make more money anyway! (I have a good friend who HATES computers, HATES the Internet, refuses to use e-mail personally, and would punch Bill Gates in the nose if he had the chance. Still, he brought an extra $5,400.00 into his business last month thanks to only three of the Strategies in my Tool Kit. $5,400.00 he absolutely knows he'd never have seen otherwise.)

That ought to get your attention!

Listed below is a sample-list of specific pieces of information, strategies and tools included in my Tool Kit. Skim it. You may find things that sound like a foreign language to you -- maybe not. If you do, don't worry about that right now. I promise, it will all become clear to you. I TAKE THE MYSTERY OUT OF USING THE INTERNET TO MAKE MONEY FOR REAL BUSINESSES.

Here's Some Of What You Get With Your
"Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit"

1. FAST START CHECKLIST: One Dozen Things You Can Do Right Now To Promote Your Business Online Successfully --- most at little or no cost!

2. THE SECRET To Attracting Prospects Or Customers To Your Website Using The Top Ten Search Engines..... here's what you need to know about "search engines" presented in a simple, straightforward manner.

3. HOW TO INSURE YOUR WEBSITE WORKS -- 16 things most computer-geek Website developers screw up!!! -- that sabotage a Website's ability to work as a marketing tool. If you have a site now or have one built for you, you must evaluate it based on these 16 factors. WARNING: Do NOT spend any of your hard-earned dollars on websites or Internet marketing without understanding these 16 success factors.

4. HOW ANY SMALL BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE can utilize Websites and E-Mail Marketing simply, easily and effectively....... with this Manual in your hands, there's no reason to lag behind, to procrastinate, to miss out on all the terrific opportunities to advertise and promote at nearly-zero cost.

5. OVER 400 FREE ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES on the Internet -- some will certainly be right for your products, services or business. This is like getting FREE MONEY!

6. 63 POWER-WORDS - use as many as you can in your online (and offline) advertising. Keep this list handy and use it whenever you put words on paper or on your Website. Here are the "secret weapons" of top direct-response copywriters….. they carefully "engineer" these Power-Words into their ads, sales letters, Websites, etc. and you can too.

7. HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS TO OPT-IN LISTS - Did you know???..… millions of people have gone to Websites and voluntarily provided their names and e-mail addresses and asked to be sent information about different kinds of products and services and now you can target the people who have expressed interest in what you have to offer. This could be a whole new source of prospects, customers, clients or patients - and you'll be there before your competitors even know they exist!!!

8. PUSH-BUTTON MARKETING - this is so good you just have to get in the game! No printing, no folding, no postage stamps, virtually no cost. Communicate with 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 customers, clients, patients or prospects with the push of one button. INSTANTLY deliver news of sales or events, new products, special offers.

9. HOW TO LEGALLY "STEAL" CUSTOMERS FROM OTHERS' HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL WEBSITES. It's even better than being handed the names and addresses of your competitors' customers on a silver platter, because this is legal and ethical.....if you understand just two words, you can get many Website owners to cheerfully give you the e-mail addresses of their customers or site visitors!

10. HOW TO SLASH YOUR OFFLINE AD EXPENSES BUT GET MORE BUSINESS THAN EVER! Would you like to cut your newspaper, magazine, or other advertising expenses yet get even more new business? You can run smaller, less costly ads that direct people to your Website(s), where you deliver the big, full-size ad you didn't want to pay for in the newspaper or magazine. Save thousands of dollars and put them back in your bank account with this Strategy.

11. HOW TO USE "AUTO-RESPONDERS" TO MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP. "Auto-responders" built into your Websites can automatically and instantly respond to your prospects' inquiries and questions..… automatically send out sales letters, send out order confirmations, etc. This is like having a room full of employees to follow-up on inquiries or orders, but with no payroll, no payroll tax, no sick days!

12. HOW TO EASILY SET UP AUTO-RESPONDER E-MAIL MARKETING FOR UNDER FIFTY BUCKS. That's right, there's easy-to-use software and services accessible online that'll do everything for you, and that you do not need to be a techno-wiz to use.

13. HOW TO STAY OUT OF "SPAM" TROUBLE. There are "rules of polite behavior" imbedded in the Internet world, that you do not want to violate - especially those about online junk mail, called "spam."

14. HOW TO MAKE A FORTUNE WITH AFFILIATE PROGRAMS. If you have or develop a Website that directly sells products of any kind, you can create your own "affiliate program" and soon have dozens, hundreds or even thousands of other Websites selling for you as "distributors" --- and best of all, everything occurs automatically: they sign up as affiliates online, they "clone" your site, orders are handled automatically, even their commissions are calculated automatically. If you are looking for a really BIG income breakthrough, a way to turn an "ordinary" small business into a huge, extraordinary income producer, this could be it!

15. HOW TO GET LOTS OF EXTRA INCOME CHECKS AS AN AFFILIATE. Just for example, if you have your own Website, you can instantly sign up as an affiliate with recommend books on your site related to your product or service.....when people visiting your site "click" over to Amazon to order books, you automatically get paid. There are many such opportunities, so you could get ten, twenty, fifty different commission checks every month! Fill your mailbox with dozens of extra paychecks every month without one hour of extra work.

16. HOW TO USE "ONLINE" PUBLICITY TO PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS FOR FREE. In your Manual: the 7 best Websites to go to, where you can submit news/publicity releases and have them distributed en-masse to both online and regular media.

17. DISCOVER NEW OPPORTUNITIES. Yes, you will use this Manual to "explode" the income (and cut costs) in your present business (whatever it is) - but you may also be fascinated by new, different, additional moneymaking opportunities that are Internet-specific and require NO "bricks and mortar", NO inventory, NO employees.

18. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO KNOW ALL THE WAYS INTERNET MARKETING COULD HELP YOUR BUSINESS???? Lower advertising costs.......attract more or better new customers, clients or patients.....expand your reach geographically......operate more efficiently......deliver better customer service with no added costs......follow-up more quickly on leads or inquiries.......

19. EXTRA BONUSES IN YOUR MANUAL...... an in-depth interview with one of the pioneers of Internet marketing, who now travels the world consulting on Internet marketing.......a source you can access for a continuing stream of Internet marketing ideas, FREE! ........PLUS, a convenient Resource Directory with over 100 listings.

And get this important point: this is NOT a "book" to "read." Not at all. This really is more of a "toolbox" filled with things to do, practical steps, actual examples. You will pull out a "tool" and put it to work FOR YOU, making money.

Beware Of These Enemies
To Your Own Success:

PROCRASTINATION. The temptation is to say "maybe, but I'll get around to this later." Later may be too late. The Internet revolution is real. You can LOSE good customers to competitors who are using the Internet. You can get so far behind you can't catch up.

SELF-DOUBT. It's understandable to feel that others may be able to do this, but for some reason you cannot. I was once completely intimidated by the Internet. But I promise, ANYBODY can understand and use what's in my Tool Kit.

BEING TECHNOLOGY RESISTANT. Maybe you just don't like computers. Maybe you have no personal interest in ever "surfing the net" or using the Internet. But don't make the mistake of letting your personal likes and dislikes cloud your business thinking. Don't make the mistake of projecting your behavior to your customers. Everybody who has ever stubbornly resisted new technology has gone broke.

BEING "TOO BUSY." Most business owners ARE too busy making a living to make real money. That's a sad fact. I call this being trapped working in your business instead of working on your business. From experience I tell you, the Internet used right, with my Tool Kit, can be the most liberating thing you've ever gotten your hands on! You will be able to do more marketing at less cost, more customer service with less work. You may even get more time to spend with your family! You just canNOT afford to be "too busy" to pay attention to this.

Take Comfort In My Written Double Guarantee:

If you're STILL doubtful that this is right for you, STILL skeptical that it can be a huge profit breakthrough for YOU, well, I don't blame you. That's why I'm going to take away all the risk or uncertainty.

Look, I am a businessman. I sent you this letter. Obviously, I want some of your money.

But I do NOT want money for nothing. I do NOT want your money if you get no value. I have no interest in that. I sleep peacefully at night and intend to continue doing so. So, I will absolutely guarantee that you get real value here - or you pay nothing.

First, you get a 45-DAY FREE PEEK. You can get my entire INSTANT ONLINE BUSINESS-BUILDING TOOL KIT, go through it, pick out a few things to do and try, and prove to yourself that my Tool Kit will make money for you, in your business. Or prove me wrong. You have 45 days to take your own "test drive," to whatever extent you like.

Anytime within those 45 days, if, for ANY reason you decide that my Tool Kit is NOT of great value to you, you can return it and immediately get a full, 100% refund. No questions. No hassle. You are the judge. You decide. If you vote "no," it will have cost you zero to look.

By the way, the Tool Kit includes many FAST RESULTS STRATEGIES. After spending just one evening with this Tool Kit, you WILL find things YOU will want to do and can do VERY QUICKLY, that will have OBVIOUS VALUE and will INCREASE your business' income. After just one evening!

But if you disagree, there's no argument. Say the word and your full refund - every penny - is in your hands.

And I will even "go the extra mile" with you. A second guarantee. Now this one does have a "condition." If you keep the Tool Kit after the 45 days, you have another 165 days (5-1/2 months!!!) to use it - and STILL get a FULL REFUND after the entire 6 months. All you need to do is send me a brief note, some kind, ANY kind of evidence you actually put at least two of the strategies, action steps, recommendations or tools in this Tool Kit to work for you in your business and failed to get good results, and I will still instantly give you back every cent of your money. I will even give you an extra ten bucks out of my pocket, just for your time in writing me the letter. That's right, a 110% refund.

So, you do NOT risk wasting even one dollar.

When you get the Tool Kit, here's what CAN happen -

· YOU CAN discover practical ways to get MORE CUSTOMERS.
· YOU CAN discover ways to do more advertising but spend less.
· YOU CAN discover new marketing opportunities.
· YOU CAN create a fast cash flow surge now or anytime you need it.
· YOU CAN create real competitive advantage.
· YOU CAN amaze your employees or family with your savvy Internet marketing for your business.
· YOU CAN save a ton of time with automated, automatic marketing.
· YOU CAN even be "re-energized" and have renewed enthusiasm for your business.
· YOU CAN very, very substantially improve your income.

If you do not get the Tool Kit, there's only one thing that can possibly happen:


Sure, "the Internet world" is a confusing circus. It's very tempting to ignore it. But you really can't afford to do so. Every major retailer from Wal-Mart to Nieman Marcus….. hospitals like Mayo Clinic….. service businesses….. you name it, whoever competes for YOUR customers' attention, dollars and loyalty is making giant strides in Internet marketing. In every type of business, SOMEBODY is "knocking 'em dead" with Internet marketing. You NEED to know what they know, what we know, what's in THE INSTANT ONLINE BUSINESS-BUILDING TOOL KIT.

You need to know so you don't get left behind, so you don't feel "dumb" and "out of it," so you don't get ripped off, so you don't waste time or money, so you don't miss opportunity.

Beyond that, the Internet CAN hold THE "keys" to multiplying your profits, even if tough times are ahead. In fact, it can provide just the "edge" you need to prosper and thrive while your peers or competitors are struggling and suffering.

You'll never know - if you don't "get in the game" with an experienced, successful coach who is making real money on the Internet, is helping real people in real businesses do the same, and is willing to guide you through the confusion. That's me. That's my Tool Kit.

for your 45-day free peek, 100% guaranteed.

By now, you may be worrying that the price tag for this Tool Kit will give you a heart attack.

You can relax.

It's less than a month's car payment. A lot less. Closer to a couple month's cable-TV bills at home. About the equivalent of a fast-food lunch every day for a month.

It's only $149.00.

For that, you get the 31-Strategy Tool Kit Manual, full of clear, step-by-step instructions, exact strategies, things to do, even ready-to-use "tools." For example, there are 39 yank-out, fill-in-the-blank, ready-to-use sales "documents" you'll use on Websites or in e-mail.

You should be able to go through it all in just one evening. Then you'll keep it handy and use it -- much like a toolbox -- pulling things out one by one and putting them to work for you.

If, however, you decide it's NOT valuable to you, then you'll simply return it and get your $149 right back, without any hassles.

So, here's what to do next: Click here to place your order online. Or pick up the phone and call our Order Line at: 949-451-6060 and place your order. Or print the "Acceptance Form" and FAX it to: , or mail it in.

"Bonus"-of-sorts: maybe you'd like
an EXTRA, sideline income, too!

Remember I mentioned my "money hobby," a sideline, spare time way to use the Internet exclusively, to set up a steady second income?

There are hundreds of people doing just that, following my simple instructions. Doctors, lawyers, butchers, bakers, candlestick-makers, corporate executives, salespeople. Doesn't matter. If having a nice second income outside your regular business interests you, the Internet MUST interest you. Why? Because it's the only means of creating AUTOMATED, AUTOMATIC EXTRA INCOME without working tons of hours doing it.

So I've included this in the Tool Kit. You'll see exactly how to market other products, information, a whole variety of things --- and I'm sure something will interest you --- with the Internet, including a special Website for that purpose, and lay out an entire, step-by-step plan for having your own money-generating sideline business entirely operated over the Internet.

And when I say automated, I mean it. The customers "talk to" the Website, get sales literature and answers via automatic e-mail, place orders at the site, money is automatically put into your bank account, information then "downloaded" or products shipped - and it can ALL be going on while you're at your kids' soccer game or cutting the grass or at the movies. You might think of it as "mail order" without the mail OR the fulfillment.

I'm even going to give you a "Business-At-A-Website" already set up FOR you, FREE. (I put the details in my P.S. at the end of the letter.)

You're probably going to be excited about this. You'll probably want to at least experiment with it, sort of as a "hobby." But you might quickly find "it" can produce more income than your regular business!

Anyway, this is NOT the main reason to get the Tool Kit. It's an "extra." The main reason is to make more money and get more customers for your current business.

Two additional Bonuses, if you act quickly:

I know you are busy and easily distracted. Please don't let this get "buried" in other mail or paperwork or "set aside" to "come back to later." After all, a $149 decision shouldn't require "sleeping on it." To hopefully encourage you to take just a couple minutes to order RIGHT NOW, CLICK HERE to order online using our secure order form, I'll reserve these extra gifts for you:

If I receive your Acceptance Form by the Expiration Date in red, I'll send you a second, extra how-to Manual FREE ---- It's titled: "77 Little-Known 'Offline' Marketing Techniques And Secrets For Successfully Promoting ANY Product, Service, Business Or Website."

"77 Little-Known 'Offline' Marketing Techniques And Secrets For Successfully Promoting ANY Product, Service, Business Or Website."

Here's a sample of what's included in this FREE, Bonus 'Offline' Manual:

1. How To Make BIG Money With TINY, CHEAP Classified Ads. You cannot open a newspaper, magazine, many newsletters, etc. and not find these ads - and if you check back issues, you'll find many have been running continuously month after month for years and years, which proves they pay off. Now you will understand exactly how to use these "dirt cheap ads" to make real money for your business.

2. The Little-Known Secret: THE Best Place To Run Tiny Ads, For Big Profits.

3. How To Save Money When Placing Ads. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by over-paying for advertising.

4. How To Make A Fortune Giving Away Free Information. Nothing is more appealing than "free". Now you'll see the exact, step-by-step strategy..… even a sample ad/case history….. for making large sums of money by advertising free information.

5. How To Find And Get Lists Of Proven Mail-Order Buyers Directly Related To The Product Or Service You Offer. The quiet little secret of direct marketing success is: it's all about the lists!!!! Here, you will go behind-the-scenes and see exactly how marketing pros obtain just the right lists. (No, it's NOT as simple as calling up a list broker - in fact, that's the worst thing you can do first!) If you've ever tried mailing to rented lists and failed, you'll now see why and see how to do it right. If you've ever thought there must be a better way to reach out to ideal prospects rather than doing "mud against the wall" advertising, you're right!

6. Eight Quick 'N Dirty Ways To Improve The Pulling Power Of Any Ad, Sales Letter, Flyer, Postcard, Yellow Pages Ad, Or Coupon. Choose one of these eight, copycat it exactly as shown in this Manual, and instantly strengthen your ads.

7. Sixteen-Step Outline For Writing A Successful Sales Letter - take the mystery out of assembling simple letters that sell like crazy!

8. Do YOU Make These Ten Marketing Mistakes? Exhaustive analysis of thousands of diverse businesses has revealed ten commonly made, costly, harmful marketing mistakes. Armed with this information, you can be your own $1,000.00-a-day consultant, analyze your own business, and undoubtedly uncover opportunities to improve your take-home profits immediately. WE DARE YOU TO TAKE THIS TEST AND NOT FIND WAYS TO BOOST SALES, PROFITS, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OR REFERRALS!!!!

9. THE Lowest Cost, Most Amazing Marketing Tool Devised In The Past 10 Years -- are you using it? It does not matter what kind of business you're in - a dentist, a restaurant owner, a store, a manufacturer, ANYTHING….. you DO have opportunities to use this super-powerful tool...… to reach prospects instantly for less than 9-cents each.….. with NO work on your part. (Yet, fewer than 2% of businesses use it!) If you'd like a huge competitive edge, this is it!

10. THE "Dead Broke Guy's Marketing Strategy" -- if you are "cash tight" and feel like you can't afford to advertise and promote your business, this Strategy will give you new marketing power for pennies. You even see an actual sample of this Strategy to copycat.

11. 13 Strategies To Keep Customers Coming Back For More. There's un-mined gold right there in your present, past and "lost" customers, clients or patients. Here are 13 ways to "plug the hole in the bottom of the bucket" and get more money per customer than ever before!

12. BONUS IN THIS MANUAL: 63 Killer Marketing Strategies From Dan Kennedy, America's Legendary Direct Marketing Genius. Over 200,000 people a year have packed auditoriums to hear Dan's marketing ideas...... America's top companies have invested millions of dollars to bring Dan's advice "in-house"...... individuals routinely pay $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 each to attend his intensive seminars and pay $800.00 an hour for private consulting. Why? Because Kennedy's strategies pay off fast, like no others. Here, you get 63 of his best, most concise, clear, useable recommendations, to put money in your pocket.

On top of that, if you order by the Expiration Date at the top of the order form, I'll also send you a SECOND FREE BONUS: A 90-MINUTE AUDIO CASSETTE TAPE with a special discussion between two of the smartest people I know in the entire Internet world….. two people who really know how to make HUGE SUMS OF MONEY online.

Here's some of what you'll discover on the FREE Bonus Tape:

1. The One Thing Missing From 95% Of All Websites -- That You MUST Have To Be Successful.

2. How To Understand, Calculate, Track And Measure "Website VISITOR VALUE", so you can determine what you can and should invest in driving traffic to your site(s) -- an economic approach few marketers grasp!

3. How To Test An Internet Marketing Concept For About Fifty Bucks

4. Do NOT "Build It And They Will Come": why and how to develop a sound business and marketing strategy so that the right prospects visit your Website

5. How To Use Your Own Built-Up List Of E-Mail Addresses Of Visitors To Your Site EFFECTIVELY -- how to get 25%, 30%, even 50% response rates from virtually free e-mail marketing "blasts" to your own opt-in lists

6. ONLINE JOINT VENTURES: How To "Piggyback" On Others' Sites, Lists, Customers, Influence, Even Expertise With Zero Out-Of-Pocket Expense!

7. Which "Giant Money-Waster" To Avoid Like The Plague With Online Marketing

Get both the extra Manual and the Audio Tape FREE, by ordering now.

It boils down to this: are you really interested in an income breakthrough? In taking your business to a new level? You canNOT get such a big breakthrough just by continuing to do what you're already doing, or even by doing those same things a little bit better.

To get an income breakthrough, you need a breakthrough opportunity.

That's exactly what Online Marketing is. What this Tool Kit delivers into your hands.


Michael Kimble, President
Group M Marketing, Inc.

P.S. Regarding that sideline "moneymaking hobby" -- I even give you, free, YOUR OWN WEBSITE that sells this very same INSTANT ONLINE BUSINESS-BUILDING TOOL KIT for you! You get your own Website that sells the Tool Kit "turned on" for you -- and up and on for FOUR FULL MONTHS without even a penny of service charges or costs*….. this is like having your own "store" built for you, stocked for you, staffed for you -- FREE!!!! (Just by telling some businesspeople you know to go there and look, you'll easily cause Tool Kits to be sold and make enough money to make yours free, and then some. All the details of this opportunity are included with your Tool Kit and your own customized Website is turned on for you, FREE. You can do as little or as much with it as you like. If you want to make it your sideline Internet business and use the 31 strategies and the 39 "tools" to market THIS Website, and make serious money, there's nothing stopping you. You keep $89.40 (60%!) of every $149.00 order you get, and handle nothing; we ship for you……just 100 sales a month makes you $8,940.00! You even get the Rights to reprint and use my tested and proven successful ads, sales letters, e-mail ads, postcards, and FAX ads that sell this Tool Kit for you. If you have debt you'd like to wipe out, a college fund to fatten, a new home to buy, this could be it for you. On the other hand, if you pretty much ignore this, maybe tell a few people, and instead focus on using the Tool Kit in your present business, that's fine too - although you will still "accidentally" see some sales occur and make money for you. Anyway, the entire "Business-At-A-Website" is FREE to you with your Instant Online Business-Building Tool Kit.

*Once we receive your order for your Tool Kit, we'll create your Website and send you a notification of what your personal Website address is, so you can immediately begin making money with it using the strategies in the Tool Kit. Beginning in the fifth month, your credit card will be charged just $14.75 for continued hosting and maintenance of your Website, which you can cancel at anytime with 30 days notice, and at that time we will unplug your Website.

P.P.S. IN ADDITION TO THE MONEY-BACK GUARANTEES YOU'VE ALREADY READ IN THIS LETTER, I'LL GIVE YOU AN EXTRA GUARANTEE, this one tied to the FREE WEBSITE that I'm giving you as a Bonus Gift, so you can make extra money marketing this same "Instant Online Business-Building Tool Kit." Here it is: if you use ANY of the recommended Strategies for promoting this Website, and you do NOT make at least 10-times the cost of this entire program in the first 4 months, you can return everything and get a 100% refund for that reason alone!!!! That's right -- in addition to all the benefits you're sure to gain from applying these Strategies to your present business, I also guarantee the little "sideline" of selling the Tool Kit via the free Website we set up for you will put at least 10-times your entire cost back in your pocket within 4 months. This makes EVERYTHING FREE TO YOU, TEN-TIMES OVER, GUARANTEED. If you would still say "no" to this, I'd be fascinated to hear why!

Order your
"Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit Program NOW!"

What others are saying about
this incredible program

As a successful online marketer, I'm always highly suspicious about anything that claims to show people how to make money on the internet. There's a lot of garbage out there. To be very blunt with you, I was skeptical when I received your offer. But, I've been pleasantly surprised to say the least. Your "Instant online Business-Building Toolkit" is chock full of easy to understand, easy to implement strategies and ideas- that REALLY work. There's one BIG thing you need to be successful online and that's getting the basics down, something almost every aspiring internet marketer misses. And, if you miss that part - you're going to end up broke- a 'dot-bomb'. The Online Toolkit program delivers the critical information you need to get started making money online immediately, and then it even provides you with tools that make money for you- almost instantly. I still cannot believe you're giving away a tested, proven website- that sells (and works!)- for FREE!!! For anybody who's not familiar with getting websites assembled, tested, and made to work, it's a jungle out there. You charge far too little for the value you get with the Online Toolkit system, especially with everything done for you.
Yanik Silver
Instant Sales Letters

These manuals, both the "Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit" and the "77 Little-Known Offline Marketing Techniques & Secrets" are excellent and very well written and easy to read and understand. They also, of course, give extremely valuable information for anyone who is starting out in business and just doesn't know where to begin. I have shown the manuals to a few friends of mine who happen to be professional web designers and entrepreneurs- and they were amazed at the wealth of information contained in your manuals... they could not believe how much you revealed for $97! In fact, they inquired about purchasing the Online Toolkit Program from me so they could use it to make money in their own businesses. Michael Kimble did very well with these products. And you can quote me on that!
Robin Lee, CA

Hey Michael! I've licensed products from you before in the past, and have been quite pleased (just made another $2262.00 in six days re-selling your Direct Mail Bootcamp Course!), but your Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit is the best yet. I followed Strategy #1 in the manual, and I sold 34 courses in 29 days... while working a total of 3 hours. The website you provided did all the work for me! That's $3864.00 for 3 hours...$1,288.00 per hour! You can't make that kind of money working 9 to 5. When are you coming out with more products for me to License? You've got me hooked on making money the "Lazy Man's Way."
Frank Kern
K4Global Publishing, SC

Michael - For more than two years I've been trying to read and learn about the internet, to figure out what I could be doing to make money with it. For two years, I've been confused. Maybe even a little intimidated. This manual is the first thing I've gotten my hands on that was easy to follow, and that I was able to pick things out and see results from doing them. Thank you!
Robert Olic
Marketing Minds

Being the nations leading expert in Publicity/Promotion, everyday someone sends me a product to review. In 99% of cases, the product I'm send for review is of substandard quality, and not worthy of publicity or promotion. When Michael Kimble and John Alanis sent me the "Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit", I was impressed. This is a "solid" product, with information for both beginners, as well as the most adroit Internet marketers. I'm a strong proponent of the ONE idea philosophy. Meaning, if i just get ONE great idea from a product, it's worth the investment. In the case of this product, I garnered a "multlple" of ideas, that have put thousands of dollars into my bank account in the past 4 months. So, in my opinion, the cost for this product is a "pittance" when you consider the profit potential long term. Also, having RESALE rights to this product is reason enough for making the "tiny" up-front investment. Kudo's to Mike and John for developing a great product!
Mike Van Norden
Publicity Expert, Marketer, Entrepreneur, Consultant


Order your
"Instant Online Business-Building Toolkit Program NOW!"


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