These five premises form the foundation for understanding mind/body health. |
There are unknown factors in the healing equation. To increase our capacity to fight off disease, we must reach out for the best that medical science has to offer, and we must reach within to mobilize our own internal resources for healing (the art).
2. Health is more than the absence of disease.Our physical health occurs in a larger context of mental, emotional and spiritual health. While there is no guarantee of a physical cure, what is always available to us is a sense of wholeness, acceptance (of self and others) and inner peace. Healing is the process of moving towards wholeness, affirming life and living fully.
3. Physical health or illness is only the tip of the iceberg.Achieving optimal physical health requires us to look beneath the surface at the lifestyles we choose, the belief systems and attitudes we hold, and the choices we make about our spirituality, our inner life, our relationship with self and others, and our sense of purpose or meaning in life.
4. The healing system lies within us.The body has its own natural ability to heal. In certain situations, surgery or drugs may be life saving, but it is the internal healing system that allows ultimate life. When we fully accept and express all parts of ourselves (our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies), the healing process is strengthened and optimal healing can begin.
5. To activate our internal healing system, we must participate in getting well.It is our participation in our own healing that fully accesses the healing system. Participation requires that we develop a passionate involvement with life, that we find our own meaning in illness and in health. Healing, in its essence, is an adventure in self-discovery.