keys form the foundation of Dr.Neimark's quarterly newsletter: Mind & Body.
The Master Key:
Participate in getting well by developing a passionate involvement with life.
Key #1: Develop a rich inner
life by following your true longing.
Key #2: Develop the practice
of quieting your mind.
Key # 3: Listen from the
heart, and share your true feelings and needs with others.
Key #4: Treat your body as a
holy temple that you are privileged to help build and maintain.
Key #5: Develop a hardy
personality by mastering the qualities of control, commitment and challenge.
Key #6: Take time to know and
love all your parts (sub-personalities).
Key #7: Find and nurture your
relationship with a higher power.
Key #8: Reach out and touch
someone and allow yourself to be touched.
Key #9: Cultivate acceptance
and self-responsibility.
Key #10: Exercise the
willingness to grow and the courage to change and persevere.
Key #11: Enjoy the simple
pleasures of life.
Key #12: Take charge of your
medical care by creating a working partnership with your own healthcare team.