Caught Soon Enough, Stress Induced Illness Can Actually Be Prevented By Journaling


My name is Dr. Neil Neimark and I am a family physician who treats patients just like you, every day, who are searching for ways to manage their stress and maintain their health.

Stress is inevitable in life. From traffic jams to toxic work environments. From relationship problems to financial  difficulties. We all need a way to process our stress, understand where it comes from and how to work through it. If not, stress will surely lead to illness, depression, broken relationships, chronic pain or addiction. 

Journaling is the simplest way I know of to begin this process. Journaling will help you to process your stress before it makes you ill and overcome recurrent patterns of negativity. Start living the healthy, balanced and meaningful life you were meant to live. 

Sign up now for my free e-mail course on "How To Journal Your Stress Away." In this five part e-course I will teach you two different guided journaling techniques as well as help you understand the complex relationship between stress and health, so that you have the tools you need to live a healthy and balanced life.

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What I really hope to gain from journaling is:


(Note: Your privacy is vitally important to us and your name and email will not  be given, sold, rented or assumed by any other list service or company.)

I wish you the very best in all your journaling and stress reduction efforts. Respectfully,

Neil F. Neimark, M.D.