Sites of Interest with a
Mind/Body/Spirit Approach to Health & Healing
The Body/Soul Connection is proud to recommend Diet.com, a leading brand name in online weight management. Diet.com offers its users Dr. Kushner�s Personality Type Diet, a proven weight loss method developed by Dr. Kushner, Medical Director of Northwestern Memorial Hospital�s Wellness Institute in Chicago.
Only Dr. Kushner's
Personality Type Diet takes into consideration your unique personality
traits. It is the key for you to take back control and lose weight
"Trying to lose weight without knowing your diet
personality is like treating hypertension without having first checked
your blood pressure," says Dr. Robert Kushner, president of the
American Board of Nutrition Physician Specialists and author of the
American Medical Association's Obesity Treatment Guide for Physicians.
Dr. Kushner has the experience of treating thousands of overweight
patients to lose weight successfully by helping them first identify
their own Diet Personality. Diet.com introduces you to a whole new way
of losing weight based on your own Diet Personality and lifestyle. Check
it out by clicking on the picture above.
Heart Center Online
Heart Disease and weight loss are in the news every day and are on the minds of everyone who is interested in living a healthy life. The Body/Soul Connection is proud to introduce you to HeartCenterOnline, one of the world�s leading providers of heart health patient education with over 1 million members. This is the site most recommended by cardiologists for their patients.
Their Healthy Living Program was designed by leading cardiologists and nutritionists. What is the Healthy Living Program? The Healthy Living Program is a heart-healthy diet and lifestyle plan developed by leading cardiologists, nutritionists, fitness professionals and other health experts to help people lose weight and live longer, better lives. Subscribers follow sensible, heart-healthy meal plans, exercise programs and stress relief programs, customized to their needs and preferences. Members receive many other benefits, including weekly newsletters, health tracking tools, reporting tools and more.
South Beach Diet
South Beach Diet�: Eat your way thin!
The South Beach Diet
is not low-fat or low-carb. It teaches you to rely on the right carbs
and the right fats. Developed by renowned cardiologist Dr.
Arthur Agatston, the South Beach Diet
is a clinically tested program that will not only help you lose weight but also
improve your health.
You�ll get daily tips, guidance from Dr. Agatston, delicious recipes, and
tools to track your weight, phase, and diet goals:
Weight Tracker :
Type in your weight, plot your progress, and learn how to stay on course.
Nutrition Tool and Meal Planner:
A complete meal scheduler (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks) for every day
� up to a week in advance, including meals for vegetarians.
Shopping List Generator:
Print out shopping lists easily and automatically. My Journal:
Keep an online diary of your progress, and read how others are doing, too.
Message Boards:
Get advice, motivation, and support from fellow South Beach Dieters.
South Beach Diet�: Eat your way thin! Join over 200,000 subscribers and start losing weight today!
www.mindbodydigestive.com The Mind-Body Digestive Center in New York City takes a team approach to the treatment of IBS with a board-certified gastroenterologist and clinical psychologist interested in helping patients with functional bowel disorders. We look at the experience and meaning of having IBS in a person's life. We are concerned with how the mind and the body are linked, including IBS symptomatology, family background, current relationships and ongoing sources of life stress. Come visit our website for more information and free articles.