Special reports are practical, guided, step-by-step journaling techniques designed to give you quick, to-the-point information on how to gain greater physical health, emotional happiness and spiritual well-being. They all provide practical means whereby you can achieve a greater sense of mastery in your life, as well as the greater peace of mind, which derives from mastery.
Special reports are all downloadable as PDF files, which you can print off on your own computer, or just read on your computer screen. All are available at a cost of $4 each. If you are looking for a practical way to gain greater mastery over your health and well-being, these special reports are for you.
How to Process Painful Feelings Through Journaling: This special report teaches you how to take the energy of painful feelings and transform them into empowering vehicles for growth, peace and change. This technique works by helping you strengthen your internal feelings of worthiness in order to combat any negative self-talk you may be experiencing. In so doing, you can use the energy that would have gone into self-criticism or blame to resolve your conflicts and improve your situation, instead of beating yourself up. If you have a tendency toward negative self-talk or "beating yourself up" (with guilt, shame or regret) when bad things happen to you, then this 4 page special report is the technique for you. Yes, we are all human and, to some degree, want the acceptance, approval and good grace of others, but we must also arrive at our own state of self-acceptance, self-approval and self-validation. This journaling technique gives you the tools you need to be strong inside when things are not going well outside. This is the kind of strength that leads to wisdom, resiliency and inner confidence.
Emergency Stress Reduction Journaling: If you struggle with stress and trying to achieve balance in your life, this 9 page report is just what you need. It teaches you precisely how your "fight or flight" system works and what you can do to turn off your stress response, so that you can achieve a level of peace and balance in your life. This report will teach you how to develop a stress hardy personality that can counteract the harmful effects of stress on your mind and body. Specific and guided questions will help you to journal about your stresses in a way that brings you greater mastery in life, allowing you to be in control of your stress, rather than your stress controlling you. This report also teaches you how to develop a healthy optimism that can protect you against helplessness and overwhelm. You will learn the ABCDE journaling technique for overcoming adversity and negativity, replacing them with mastery and optimism. Whether your stress comes from the job (due to a toxic boss or fellow employee), a personal relationship, or from financial worries and concerns, this report will take you to the next level of mastery.
Two Powerful Antidotes to Stress: The Relaxation Response and The Power of Positive Belief: In this 6 page report, you will learn all about the "dynamic duo of healing"--the Relaxation Response (a simple and practical meditation technique to help calm your mind and your stressed out body) and the power of positive belief (a journaling technique to help you direct the powerful forces of your mind toward greater health, happiness and peace of mind.) What you may not know is that your attitudes and beliefs are no less powerful than a physician's prescription pad. In fact, all your thoughts and feelings are chemical and create actual chemical effects on your body, mind and soul. This report will help you to choose those types of positive attitudes and beliefs that will calm your body and your mind. By utilizing the two powerful tools in this report, you will have a sure-fire antidote to the stress in your life. As you learn these powerful methods for controlling your stress, you will be able to achieve a new level of mastery in your life, learning how to be proactive instead of reactive.
Gratitude Journaling: This 4 page report will teach you about the healing power of gratitude and guide you step-by-step in the process of starting a gratitude journal that can bring you greater health and happiness into your life. Gratitude is one of those special forces in life that increases as you give it away, helping to not only heal others, but also yourself. Give yourself this wonderful gift, and be all the richer for it.
Writing an Ethical Will: This 7 page report will help you to find a greater sense of purpose and meaning in your life, by helping you to formulate what is most important to you. Just as we leave behind a will to distribute our material possessions in life, an ethical will is the way we bequeath our emotional and spiritual treasures to our children and loved ones. Taking the time to write such a will is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and your loved ones. It helps put into perspective what is truly most important in life. In this report Dr. Neimark will guide you every step of the way in creating an ethical will that will help lead you to the realization of your true purpose in life and the discovery of the very special gifts you have to give the world.
Keeping a Prayer Journal: This 11 page report helps you to get in touch with a deeper spiritual connection through the power of writing down your prayers. Prayer is the language of the spiritual world—the means whereby you communicate and bond with God, a higher power, a deeper sense of order or purpose in your life. As we all reach out for the best that science has to offer in keeping us healthy, we must also reach within to mobilize our own internal resources for healing. One of the most often overlooked resources for healing and happiness is discovering the power of prayer. This report gives you a precise guided technique for journaling your prayers and achieving a greater spiritual connection in your life. This report also briefly details some of the scientific benefits of faith and prayer.
Affirmation Journaling: This 8 page report teaches you step-by-step everything you need to know in order to weed out your negative core beliefs and plant healing positive ones in their place. If you want to change your life, you must be the one to change; you cannot wait for other people to change first; nor can you wait for situations in your life to change. Each new choice you make, each new positive affirmation you make is like planting a seed in your mental garden. It takes time for the seed to grow, but if you do the planting, you will enjoy the fruit of your efforts. Start affirming the positive in your life and learn how to eliminate the negative thoughts that keep bringing you down, robbing you of vital energy and depleting your immune system. In addition to ordinary affirmation techniques, this report includes a powerful method for dialoguing with your physical body in order to bring you greater physical health and well-being, in addition to the emotional peace that affirmations bring.
Self-Parenting Journaling: If you are struggling with inner conflict over people and situations in your life, then this special journaling technique is exactly what you need. In this 8 page report Dr. Neimark teaches you everything you need to know to help you understand the often conflicting voices of the Inner Child and Inner Adult that live within each one of us. These two archetypes account for the majority of inner conversations we have in our lives, leading to the majority of inner conflicts (and outer conflicts) we encounter in life. Understanding these voices will help you to further define who you are, what you want and where you’re going in life. This opens a pathway to healing and wholeness, which cannot come about until the differing and often conflicting needs of these two archetypes within you make peace with one another. This technique teaches you about the voice of the Inner Child and the Inner Adult and guides you step-by-step in a technique that shows you how to reach a healthy balance between the two, leading you to a greater sense of inner peace, health and joy.
Love Letter Journaling: If you are dealing with relationship problems, inner conflict or difficulties in your life, this is the ultimate journaling technique. Based on the work of Barbara DeAngelis and John Gray, this technique can help you find inner clarity in the midst of external confusion and conflict. Dr. Neimark will guide you step-by-step through an emotional map to help you process your anger, sadness, fear and hurt in a way that helps you find out what it is you truly want and need in any situation, whether it be in dealing with a difficult boss, setting boundaries with your kids or handling difficult issues in a personal relationship. This technique gives you all the tools you need to handle high levels of emotional tension in your life by leading you to express these emotions in a healthy way, not a destructive one. Learning how to write a love letter will empower you in achieving what you truly desire in life and getting the love, health and happiness you deserve in life. If there is only one technique that you can choose, this is the one to start with, hands down.
Self-Discovery Journaling: This 6 page special technique is geared toward helping you uncover hidden aspects of yourself that may be sabotaging your growth, health and happiness in life. Self-discovery journaling uses sentence stems to help us discover the limiting beliefs we hold about ourselves and others. (Sentence stems are simply the beginning of a sentence that you complete with different endings. For example, "I would be happy if only . . . ") Sentence stems help reveal our unconscious beliefs about what it takes for us to be happy, healthy, satisfied and fulfilled. This technique will guide you step-by-step into the discovery of who you are, what you want and what gives meaning and purpose to your life. Utilizing sentence stems, you will explore four different areas of healing: 1) building healthy relationships 2) dealing with pain, hurt, anger and fear 3) moving to acceptance, appreciation, willingness to grow and opening to happiness in the moment and 4) moving away from sabotage. This technique is sure to open up your heart, helping you to release old baggage and move closer toward achieving the level of health and happiness you deserve in life.