If you are planning on having surgery, please don't go to the operating room without reading this critical information . . .

YOU Can take control of your recovery and you can Significantly influence your outcome from surgery.

�  YOU CAN reduce your pain after surgery.

�  YOU CAN speed your recovery and shorten your hospital stay.

�  YOU CAN decrease your anxiety.

    YOU CAN minimize your blood loss during surgery.

     YOU CAN reduce your nausea post-operatively.

     YOU CAN minimize the risk of post-operative infections.


Consider These Important Facts:


1.  Physicians and surgeons are trained mostly in the technical, scientific aspects of your care and while they are concerned about you and your health, rarely do they understand the principles of self-healing that can help you recover more quickly from your operation.


2.  Doctors, surgeons and nurses tend to drastically underestimate the extent to which you can positively effect the course of your disease, the outcome of your surgery or the relief of your pain.


3.  If you or a loved one requires surgery, simple mind/body techniques can:

  • decrease your blood loss by up to 45%

  • reduce your post-operative pain by up to 38%

  • decrease your anxiety

  • shorten your hospital stay

  • speed your recover.


Who Is Dr. Neimark and
Why Should I Listen To Him?

, Neil F. Neimark, M.D.

Neil F. Neimark, M.D. is a compassionate family physician and an inspirational teacher in the field of mind/body medicine.  He inspires patients to reach out for the best that medical science has to offer and reach within to mobilize their own internal resources for healing. 

Too often in today�s world, the sacred trust that once characterized the doctor-patient relationship has been replaced by a set of rushed interactions.  Now, more than ever, patients must participate with their doctor in getting well. 

Dr. Neimark received his medical training at The Ohio State University College of Medicine where he  graduated cum laude in 1981 and was elected into the prestigious medical honor society, Alpha Omega Alpha.  After completing his residency in Family Medicine, he went on to complete a fellowship in Mind/Body medicine.

He is an author, professional speaker and board certified family physician with a busy and active family practice in Irvine, California.  He has the kind of bedside manner that makes you feel better when he just walks in the room.  He is a passionate and inspirational speaker who welcomes questions and comments from his patients.  

His free report you are about to receive has been helping patients just like you achieve a speedier recovery from surgery with faster healing, less pain, less stress and less risk of infection.

Don't miss out on this free report that can dramatically improve the outcome of your surgery.

Sign Up Now For Instant Access To Dr. Neimark's Free Report, "Ten Things You Absolutely Need To Know Before Having Surgery."


First Name:

The #1 reason I want to be prepared for surgery is:

How Many Times Have You Had Surgery Before?:

The type of surgery I am having is:

Do you have any questions you would like to ask me about preparing for surgery?


(Note: Your privacy is vitally important to me and your name and email will never
be given, sold, rented or assumed by any other list service or company.)

I wish you the very best in all your surgery preparation efforts. If you follow the principles I will discuss in the free report you are about to receive, you will most certainly improve your chances for a speedy and healthy recovery from surgery.  I wish you well. Respectfully,

Neil F. Neimark, M.D.


       4980 Barranca Pkwy ● Suite 207● Irvine, CA ● 92606 ● 949-502-5656