Thank you for interest in the Less Stress Surgery guided imagery relaxation tape and the Less Stress Surgery Relaxation System. My name is Dr. Neil Neimark and I am a family physician who treats patients just like you, every day, who are searching for ways to improve their outcomes from surgery and minimize their stress and fears prior to surgery. I graduated Cum Laude from The Ohio State University College of Medicine in 1981 and after completing my residency in Family Medicine, I went on to finish a fellowship in Academic Medicine, specializing in the Mind/Body Connection. I love my work and I consider it a privilege to be able to participate in the care and healing of my patients. I have always believed in the importance of a vital doctor/patient relationship and believe that the body heals best in an environment of mutual trust and faith between the doctor and the patient and the treatment plan. I will be right there with you through your pre-op and post-op recovery guiding your body to a healthy recovery. I created the Less Stress Surgery Guided Relaxation System because my patients wanted an opportunity to exert some level of self-care and control in a situation where most of them felt afraid and at the mercy of forces outside of themselves. Less Stress Surgery is a guided imagery relaxation tape based on evidence from literally hundreds of studies, which shows quite conclusively that you can improve your outcome from surgery. In addition to listening to the guided relaxation tape (for one week prior to and one week following surgery), you will also receive a critical summary of the most important scientific findings regarding the importance of your being prepared for surgery and simple steps you can take to get your body ready. You probably already read my Special Report, in which I went to great lengths to distill the massive amounts of information on mind/body research on surgery down to 10 simple steps that you can take to significantly improve your outcome from surgery entitled, "Ten Things You Absolutely Need to Know Before Having Surgery." Following these 10 steps will put you in the best state of mind and body for a speedy and healthy recovery from surgery. The last step in that report speaks of the importance of a properly produced guided imagery tape to help your mind and body be ready and prepared for surgery. A simple relaxation tape alone will not help and evidence suggests, may actually make things worse. That's why I produced the Less Stress Surgery Guided Imagery Tape to exacting scientific standards. When you listen to the guided imagery tape (just once or twice a day for the week prior to surgery and for one week following surgery) you will be training your body through the use of specific physiologic instructions, to respond optimally to the physical stresses, difficulties and demands of surgery. By listening to the tape, you will learn how to:
I believe that health is both a science and an art. In order to increase your capacity to fight off disease and speed your recovery from surgery, you must reach out for the best that medical science has to offer and reach within to mobilize your own internal resources for healing. This guided imagery relaxation tape will help you draw upon the quite remarkable healing resources that already lie deep within you. This is what Walter Cannon, M.D., the Harvard physiologist, calls, "the wisdom of the body." When you tap into your own internal healing resources, you optimize your chances for a speedy and healthy recovery, with less pain, less stress, less blood loss, quicker recovery and better wound healing. Wishing you the best of health in your upcoming surgery, Sincerely,
Neil F. Neimark, M.D.
Don't Leave Your
You cannot perform your own surgical operation, but
you can take control of your
healing and recovery. In fact, you have the greatest vested interest in
doing so! It's not that your surgical team doesn't care, believe me,
they do. They care more than you can imagine. It's just that they are as
overworked and overextended as you are.
If you don't take control of your own recovery, you may end up being
just another one of many patients in a long list of patients going to
surgery that day. Don't let this happen to you!
Just hoping that
things will go well will not decrease your pain, lessen your
anxiety, decrease your blood loss or shorten your hospital stay.
You want to get home quickly to your family and loved ones, so you
take action now. Don't leave things to chance. You can't just cross your fingers and hope things will go okay. You must take an active role in preparing for your surgery by following a proven system for surgical preparedness. You need not feel scared and out of control. There is a simple solution for you. Let us talk you through your surgery with Less Stress Surgery: A Guided Imagery Relaxation System. Utilizing the latest state-of-the-art specific physiologic instructions proven to give you the maximum benefit, you can learn how to: 4diminish your blood loss during your surgery by learning a simple form of mental suggestion that helps you control the flow of blood to and from your surgical site.
your nausea after surgery and improve your intestinal motility, so that
you can start eating more quickly after surgery, allowing the intake of
healthy nutrients into your body to get you out of the hospital faster.
You know how awful that nausea feels. Why wouldn't you want to do
everything you can to decrease your nausea after surgery? Remember, the faster you can eat after an operation,
the faster you can return home to your family and loved ones.
4improve the circulation of your body's natural
endorphins (pain reducing neurotransmitters) to the site of your
operation and
reduce your pain by up to 38% and minimize the need
for post-operative pain medication. You
need not suffer any additional pain. Why not learn a simple technique to
help you activate your endorphins and minimize your pain?
4mobilize your body's white blood cells and
antibodies in order to minimize the risk of infection after your
surgery. Why wouldn't you want to do that? Of course you would. Who
wouldn't? Your operation will be difficult enough. Why not do all you
can to minimize a complication post-operatively? 4decrease your anxiety level and improve your sense of calm preparedness and well-being. Wouldn't it be great if there were someone to guide you step-by-step through the process of preparing for surgery and recovering from it?
Wouldn't that go a long way towards
reducing your anxiety and giving you a greater sense of security and
safety? That's what we all want: some assurance that everything is
going to be okay. And while there are no guarantees in life, it
makes a big difference to have someone there right by your side talking
you through the process.
Let us talk you through your surgery.
In Less Stress Surgery: A Guided Imagery Relaxation System, author
and mind/body expert Neil F. Neimark M.D. will guide you step-by-step
through the process of preparing for and healing from your surgery.
Utilizing the latest research in behavioral anesthesia, Dr. Neimark will
help prepare your body for the stresses of surgery through the use of
'specific physiologic instructions,' which teach your body how to
respond better and more efficiently to the difficulties and demands of
Click Below To
This is not a simple relaxation tape or music CD to help you relax.
In fact,
research shows that relaxation tapes alone may actually
worsen your outcome after surgery.
This tape uses what is called
'specific physiologic instructions' to prepare your body, mind and
spirit for optimal healing.
Always go to an expert!
In conjunction with TheBodySoulConnection.com, respected and Board
Certified Family Practitioner, author and educator Neil F. Neimark M.D. has produced a guided
imagery relaxation tape utilizing the latest in imagery techniques to
help you:
You must be wondering,
Though all the precise scientific pathways are not yet fully known, the research results are quite clear: by
listening to a properly produced guided imagery tape using the latest in
specific physiologic instructions--as well as emotional support--you can
prepare your body--in advance--for the demands of surgery.
Using guided imagery with specific physiologic instruction is a kind of
'flight simulation' for the real thing. Just as pilots prepare for
difficult flying conditions through the use of simulated exercises,
Less Stress Surgery prepares your body, mind and spirit to be ready
to handle the actual surgical flight. You need not leave things to
chance. No pilot would dare fly without having the required hours in
the flight simulator, nor should you have surgery without being properly
By inducing a state of physical relaxation and emotional safety and
calm, your mind becomes exquisitely receptive to the specific
physiologic instructions you will receive. All you need to do is
begin listening to the tape about one week prior to the surgery and for
one week after the surgery. That's it. We will handle the rest, so that
you are ready for healing.
Just by listening to Less Stress Surgery: A Guided Imagery Relaxation
Tape, you can take control of your recovery and you can
dramatically influence your outcome from surgery.
speed your recovery and shorten your hospital stay.
decrease your anxiety and diminish your need for pain
CAN minimize your blood loss.
reduce your nausea.
minimize the risk of post-operative infections.
But What If It I know how hard it is to make a decision to purchase something from someone you've never met before. You don't really know me from a stranger. What if it's a hoax? What if it's just a bunch of medical babble? I know you've already got a lot on your mind with your upcoming surgery. So let me address your concerns:
But I Still Can't Make Up My Mind. I Just Don't Know If I Will Take The Time To Listen To The Tape. It's true it will take about 20 minutes to listen to the guided imagery tape. And you need to listen once or twice a day for the week prior to surgery and the week after surgery. But I promise you, it is the most relaxing time you will have. The imagery is calming and peaceful with the sounds of the ocean in the background. All you need to do is sit back and allow your mind to relax and let your body respond to the specific physiologic instructions that I will be leading you through. Though you are actively engaging your mind in the process and tapping into your body's inner wisdom, it is not physical, stressful or difficult in any way, whatsoever.
Isn't There Some Way I Can Know For Sure That I Will
Really Benefit That's a really great question! Let me ask you something in return: What If The Less Stress Surgery Would that help you make a decision now? What if there were a way for you to know for sure that you were spending your money wisely? Successful surgical outcomes do not happen by chance. Your surgeon will do their part and you must do yours. Helping you to have a successful surgical outcome is my main motivation and to prove it to you, I want you to know that you have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO LOSE with this guarantee:
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