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Books & Manuals

The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit (Second Edition) (108 pages)

The Healing Power of Attitudes & Beliefs: A Study Manual (Accompanies the Cassette Tape) (26 pages)

Cassette Tapes

Contacting Your Inner Healer: A Guided Imagery Relaxation Tape (To help you or a loved one access your own inner wisdom in order to achieve greater health and healing.)

The Healing Power of Attitudes & Beliefs Cassette Tape: (An inspiring talk to help you direct the powerful forces of your mind towards achieving greater health and happiness. Presented at the Alternative & Complementary  Medicine Conference Irvine, California June 26, 1999.) This cassette tape is sold along with the study manual.

Less Stress Surgery: A Guided Imagery Relaxation Tape (To help you or a loved one have a speedy and healthy recovery from surgery.)

To Order Any of the Above Books or Tapes

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