The Body/Soul Report

Health & Healing for the Whole Person

� Neil F. Neimark, M.D.

   March 2005

In This Issue

Medicine, Miracles & Musings by Neil F. Neimark, M.D.

Guest Article: The Doctor/Patient Relationship by Bernie Siegel, M.D.

Research Reports

Humor Heals



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 Medicine, Miracles & Musings
Neil F. Neimark, M.D.

Spring is almost upon us and I hope everyone is doing well. It is a time of awakening and growth on all levels. 

As a family physician with a busy practice, I continue to be amazed at the number of physical problems that develop as a result of difficulties in our emotional and/or spiritual life.

Every day patients come to my office with health problems stemming from exuberant stresses, the inability to set boundaries, unresolved feelings and spiritual emptiness. These stresses create a burden too heavy for the physical body to carry�and so it breaks down�resulting in physical illness and emotional

pain, ranging from recurrent colds to chemical depression.

We all have different thresholds for stress. Our body is made up of many different systems: musculoskeletal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, nervous, immune and more�each linked, one to the other, like a chain.


  The Doctor/Patient Relationship
Neil F. Neimark, M.D.

We become lost in our responsibilities and in our "special" problems. We become lost in our fears and in our worries. We become lost in our sense of inadequacy. We become lost in our inability to control the outcome of events in our lives. We become lost in the realization that we cannot always protect the ones we love. We feel alone and afraid at times.
 We become lost in our responsibilities and in our "special" problems. We become lost in our fears and in our worries. We become lost in our sense of inadequacy. We become lost in our inability to control the outcome of events in our lives. We become lost in the realization that we cannot always protect the ones we love. We feel alone and afraid at times.
 We become lost in our responsibilities and in our "special" problems. We become lost in our fears and in our worries. We become lost in our sense of inadequacy. We become lost in our inability to control the outcome of events in our lives. We become lost in the realization that we cannot always protect the ones we love. We feel alone and afraid at times. Continued



  Research Reports

We become lost in our responsibilities and in our "special" problems. We become lost in our fears and in our worries. We become lost in our sense of inadequacy. We become lost in our inability to control the outcome of events in our lives. We become lost in the realization that we cannot always protect the ones we love. We feel alone and afraid at times.







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Humor Heals
Ha Ha Ha!




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 Medicine, Miracles & Musings: Continued

When there is too much stress on our system�whether emotional stress, physical stress or spiritual stress�it is like an overpowering force pulling on both ends of the chain. Something has to give, something has to break. We all have a weak link, a weak system, which breaks under stress.

For some of us, it is a break in the immune system�causing recurrent colds, allergic reactions, susceptibility to infection, exacerbation of autoimmune disease or even an increased risk for certain cancers. For others, it is a break in the nervous system�causing anxiety, chemical depression, migraine headaches, twitching eyelids or insomnia. A break in the cardiovascular system may lead to palpitations, shortness of breath, or even precipitate congestive heart failure or a heart attack. A break in the musculoskeletal system may lead to recurrent back aches, sciatica, tendinitis or muscle weakness. A break in the gastrointestinal system may lead to worsening of irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, maldigestion, constipation or diarrhea.

Many times, we are unaware that our emotional and spiritual stresses are connected to our physical health.

It is vital that we learn ways to process our physical, emotional and spiritual stress before it creates illness and to do so in a way which leads to greater health, healing and balance. 

For those of you already suffering from illness, you can learn to use your illness as a springboard for understanding how your heart, mind and soul are deeply intertwined in the workings of your physical body. You can learn a variety of self-help techniques with which you can begin your own unique healing process. This healing process will lead you into an examination of your emotional pain and spiritual stress so that you may find ways out of your pain and begin to heal your hurts, forgive your inadequacies and rekindle the love and essential worthiness that lie within you.

A wonderful story!

The Master taught: 'When a sleeping prince is dreaming that he is a beggar and cries out in anguish at his poverty and hunger, you do not say to him, �Beggar, wake up!� You say �Prince, wake up! You have fallen asleep and dreamt you were a beggar!�'

We are all princes and princesses who have�in some way�fallen asleep and forgotten the royalty of our soul. We are made in the image of the Divine creator and, as such, our very essence is love and our very birthright is worthiness. We must only awaken to it in order to heal.

(This story adapted from Journey to Self-Realization by Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Publishers, 1998; the Master in this story is Paramahansa Yogananda.)

A part of our awakening to our essential worthiness is the acceptance that�in this world�we are all wounded in some way�whether by genetics, family circumstance, illness or misfortune. 

Likewise, in some way, we all intuitively crave�and deserve�to be whole, to be healed. Awakening from the dream means that we feel our emptiness, the voids in our life, our 'not-enough' places, and seek to fill them with meaning, worthiness and a measure of fullness. 

This is the healing process: the drive to mend our broken places and become whole again. In seeking to become whole, you will inevitably embark on a journey that leads you into your own sense of utter uniqueness, into your own adventure of self-discovery.

Before I let you go, I want to tell you about my completely new and revised 3rd edition of The Handbook of Journaling: Writing Tools & Inspirational Stories for Hope, Healing and Personal Growth. In this new edition, you will find hundreds of inspirational stories, motivational quotes and powerful guided journaling techniques to help you process your negative emotions before they make you ill. You will also find powerful guided journaling techniques to help you correct your irrational thoughts and fears in a way that brings you greater equanimity, peace of mind and fulfillment in life. 

Guided journaling exercises make writing about your stresses easy. They give you powerful questions and prompts to guide you swiftly towards a greater understanding of where your pain comes from and how to find a source of hope and strength to overcome whatever difficulties you may be facing. 

Whether you are dealing with depression, loss, anger, anxiety, chronic pain or cancer, these writing tools and inspirational stories will help you find the hope, healing and sense of personal fulfillment you are looking for. 

If you have forgotten that you are a prince or princess who has fallen asleep to your own essential worthiness, then please click here to read more about The Handbook of Journaling: Writing Tools & Inspirational Stories for Hope, Healing and Personal Growth.

May you and all your loved ones be blessed with health, happiness and prosperity. Sincerely,

Neil F. Neimark, M.D.

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Guest Article: Continued




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Health Marketplace

Contacting Your Inner Healer: A Guided Imagery Relaxation Exercise

wpe5.jpg (2924 bytes)In this guided imagery tape, Dr. Neimark helps you let go of your critical, strategic mind and access your own inner wisdom in order to achieve greater health and healing (physically, emotionally and spiritually.) Your Inner Healer is like an inner advisor, an imaginary wise figure and may appear as a person, a guardian angel, a symbol, an inner voice, or just a feeling within. Let Dr. Neimark help you tap into your full potential for health and begin living a life filled with greater physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Buy Now: $12.95    More Information


Less Stress Surgery: A Guided Imagery Relaxation Tape

This specially produced guided imagery cassette is designed to help you or a loved one prepare for surgery in order to have a speedy and healthy recovery.  Listening to this tape four days prior to and for one week after surgery can result in less post-operative pain, decreased blood loss, diminished anxiety, shorter hospital stay and improved wound healing. A true gift of health for you, a friend or a loved one who may be facing surgery.

MP3 File Download (20 MB) (No shipping charge!): $14.95
Cassette Tape: $14.95  
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The Handbook of Journaling: Tools for the Healing of Mind, Body & Spirit

In this third edition,  Dr. Neimark introduces fifteen journaling methods along with hundreds of brand new inspirational stories and motivational quotes to help you  journal your way to greater physical health, emotional strength and spiritual well-being. 

Learn how to process difficult emotions before you become  ill. Learn how to overcome negative thinking and limiting beliefs. Learn how to discover who you are and what you really want in life.

Start journaling your way towards self-discovery and the full realization of  who you are and what you truly desire in life.

Downloadable E-book PDF (No Shipping Charge!): $27.95 
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The Healing Power of Attitudes & Beliefs

In this 60 minute cassette tape, Dr. Neimark gives an inspiring talk to help you direct the powerful forces of your attitudes and beliefs towards achieving greater health and healing. Accompanied by a twenty-six page e-book study manual with scientific references, The Healing Power of Attitudes & Beliefs will inspire and encourage you towards a positive and healing life.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the MindBodySpirit Connection

"This is by far the best book on the Mind/Body/Spirit connection that I have read in many years. We have all heard the phrase, 'This book can change your life.' Well, this book really can. It shows you how to use your symptoms as the passport to a better life--physically, emotionally and spiritually."   Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. Author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind and Inner Peace for Busy People 

Buy Now: $19.95    More Information 

You Can Do It! A Motivational E-course for Positive Life Change

Pick a goal and let Dr. Neimark help you achieve it! Let Dr. Neimark be your personal coach and help you become all that you are capable of being. Get eight weeks of daily personalized e-mail messages from Dr. Neimark bringing you the latest motivational and inspirational technologies designed to help you achieve the life you dream of! "If you set out to be less than what you are capable of being, I warn you, you will be deeply unhappy for the rest of your life."  Abraham Maslow

Buy Now: $247    Free Six-Day Sampler    More Information

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