The Mind/Body Health Education Center brings you weekly lessons on the "ABC's" of mind/body health, (how our thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs effect our physical health) and what we can do to find greater health and healing in our lives. Last Update: 10/22/98
Mind/Body Lesson of the Week: Don't miss this week's Mind/Body Lesson of the Week: This week, Neil F. Neimark, M.D. teaches us how our belief in the doctor and in the treatment plan protects us and allows our body to derive positive physiological benefits even from an inert pill.
Previous Mind/Body Lessons of the Week: Catch up on all the past lessons you may have missed.
The Five Premises of Mind/Body Medicine: Dr. Neimark reveals the five fundamental principles of mind/body medicine that empower us to make positive healing changes in our health and our lives through the power of the mind/body/spirit connection.
Twelve Keys for Accessing Your Healing System: These 12 keys provide the groundwork for Dr. Neimark's inspirational newsletter Mind & Body. These 12 keys allow us to access our internal healing system and mobilize our internal resources for healing. No matter what physical ailment or emotional difficulty you may be facing, these 12 keys will allow you to achieve greater healing and find greater peace of mind.
The Fight or Flight Response: This fundamental physiologic response forms the foundation of modern day stress medicine. The Fight or Flight Response is our body's primitive, automatic, inborn response that prepares the body to "fight" or "flee" from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival.
The Relaxation Response: This fundamental physiologic response, discovered by Herbert Benson, M.D. is essentially, the body's natural, inborn antidote to stress. As Murphy would have it however, unlike the automatic nature of the Fight or Flight Response, the Relaxation Response is "not so automatic" and must be elicited through conscious attention and awareness. The Relaxation Response can be elicited through a wide variety of physical and mental techniques and forms a powerful inborn "reset" button, to counteract the harmful effects of stress.